406 Butler Pond Rd. New Portland, ME 04961
*This address is recognized by some GPS systems, such as MapQuest and Garmin. It is not recognized by Google Maps or Apple Maps on an iPhone.
Directions beginning as you arrive in Kingfield, ME via Route 27 N
Turn right onto ME-16 E (after you cross the bridge turn right to stay on ME-16 E)
Continue on ME-16 E for 1.8 miles
After you pass the Kingfield Transfer Station on your left, Butler Pond Rd. is your next left.
Turn left on Butler Pond Rd. Continue down this gravel road for 1.9 miles.
406 Butler Pond Rd is on the left at the double gates. NOTE: Butler Pond Rd is a private dirt road. It's in good shape and easily passable with an average car. If you have a very low riding vehicle please contact Dan Petersen at 207-692-3461.
Directions from points east of Kingfield (Waterville, Bangor, Skowhegan, etc). You will be coming into Kingfield on ME-16 west.
You will cross the Kingfield town line traveling west on ME-16. There will be a sign for Kingfield town line/Franklin County
0.3 miles after the sign take a right on Butler Pond Rd. If you reach the Kingfield Transfer Station you've gone too far.
Continue down Butler Pond road for 1.9 miles.
406 Butler Pond Rd is on the left at the double gates. NOTE: Butler Pond Rd is a private dirt road. It's in good shape and easily passable with an average car. If you have a very low riding vehicle please contact Dan Petersen at 207-692-3461.